The people of Egypt have protested for twelve days against the brutal oppression and corruption of the regime of Hosni Mubarak propped up by the US and European allies, including Germany, which supplied Mubarak with weapons.

But it looks as if they are being maneuvered into having to choose between two evils that will preserve the status quo.

The Globalists are trying to take control of the authentic, grass roots movement by positioning their puppets UN Chief Mohammed El Baradei and the Muslim Brotherhood to be its leaders, succeed Mubarak and continue with the same policies as was discussed by Alex Jones and George Noory in a radio interview on Infowars.

When it comes to working out fresh strategy to build a lasting democracy, Egyptians could learn some lessons from the recent protests in Stuttgart, Germany, when a dispute was also ”settled” by an interim “mediator” called in after extreme violence by the police.

The dangers of any such a mediator, interim president and period of transition were underlined by the remarks of German Chancellor Angela Merkel Merkel at the Munich Security Conference today. She said that regime change in Egypt must be properly “organised”, citing her own experience in German reunification in 1990. Merkel was herself a member of the communist party and a leader of a unit for agitation and propaganda in East Germany, and has been implicated as a spy for the secret services, so she should know all the tRicks when it comes to undermining legitimate citizen’s movements.

Some of these tactics appear to have been used to undermine gigantic, grassroots protests in Stuttgart, Germany, this autumn, providing a learning opportunity.

The key lesson from Stuttgart is for Egyptian protestors to ignore any mediator figure or interim president and use the time for strengthening the political organisation of their grassroots democratic movement. Protestors need to stay decentralized and create strong political units at local level, hold local meetings, local elections, and appoint local candidates. These local units can be the foundation blocks to support a strong candidate in a national election and allow for a completely independent government.

Also, the pro democracy movement needs to build up an effective communication network and set up their own blogs, websites, newspapers, newsletters etc.

Just as in Egypt, the Stuttgart protests started organising through the social media.

In Stuttgart, a few websites also had a key role in organising protests and keeping people informed.

Just as in Egypt, too, the protestors were attacked aggressively by police using water canon when they reached a critical mass.

The chaos and violence that the Stuttgart police engineered was used as an excuse to call for “mediation”.

In Egypt, too, an interim president or mediation solution is being proposed following savage violence initiated by Mubarak.

But the mediator in Germany acted so as to undermine the gigantic, grassroots protest against a new railway station in Stuttgart that will cost taxpayers billions and bring little benefit to the local people.

A former CDU politician, Heiner Geissler was presented in the media as a neutral and „wise elderly“ statesman. He was appointed an official “mediator” and given the task of listening to all the factions and their arguments in a series of panel discussion with a view to finding a long-term solution.

Geissler appeared to be sympathetic to the protestors concerns at first to win over their support.

The assumption that crystallized as the talks went on was that Giessler’s final „decision“ would be binding on everyone. People were pressurized to accept this eccentric and authoritarian assumption.

The panel discussions went on for weeks, and Geissler shifted his position slowly but subtly in favour of the project in spite of the facts and evidence that showed it was a huge waste of money while all the time taking care to appear to be critical enough to keep the protestors engaged.

At the end of the „mediation“ period, Geissler declared to the astonishment of everyone that he supported an even more lavish and absurd Stuttgart 21 station project, strongly suggesting the notion that the mediation was all a show. There was never any offer of a referendum that the people had asked for.

Throughout the talks, the controlled media printed polls that appeared to show that more and more people were convinced by the arguments of those in favour of the Stuttgart 21 station. But anyone who has worked in the media as I have knows just how easily such polls can be „adjusted“.

Blogs that had been covering the Stuttgart 21 protests suddenly stopped just before Geissler made his controversial „decision“ in favour of the new railway project, leaving protestors up in the air and disorganised at a crucial time.

The grassroots protestors were also split into groups and infiltrated. In this way, the mediation process was used to buy time to undermine the protestors movement.

All these tactics can be used in Egypt when it comes to an interim president as well as intimidation, arrests and murder.

At first, the interim president whether it is Omar Suleiman or ElBaradei will probably look sympathetic to the protestors, and appear to be even handed like Geissler to engage protestors and give them hope that something good will come out of the process.

But he will highly likely use his term to give the extremist Muslim Brotherhood and other stooges every opportunity to raise their profile and strengthen their power base behind the facade at first of being even-handed. The more moderate and authentic voices will be gradually marginalized with the help of the mainstream media that will either ignore them or defame them.

By the time the elections come, the Egyptians will find themselves presented with the choice of the Muslim Brotherhood and a few other stooges.

This new puppet regime will then manoevure Egypt into alignment with the Globalist plans: war, instability, extremism and conflict.

The Globalists want to engineer a third world war – and the puppet „extremist“ Muslim Brotherhood will give them the perfect chance to do just that as well as to launch „false flag“ terror operations in the Middle East and Europe.

The Muslim Brotherhood was the only organization apart from the stock exchange whose website was allowed to stay online during the recent internet blackout by the Mubarak government. Twelve journalists work for the extremist Muslim Brotherhood’s newspaper, and it is the largest independent paper in Egypt.

In the meantime, the Stuttgart 21 protestors have reorganised but they lost a lot of momentum by relying too much on the mediation.

Egyptians should ignore the interim president and keep organising at grass roots level. That is the lesson of the Stuttgart 21 protests.

About Grace

LOVE is ALL...

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